Earlier this year when I was undergoing radiation treatments, my friend Mary sent me a care package and a poem every week for seven weeks. Now she is recovering from cancer surgery and I wanted to do something special for her. I got the idea from this little quilt that my friend Deb made for me. Look closely at the buttons (click on the picture to make it bigger).

So for Mary I decided to make little quilts and send one every day. I made one for each letter of the alphabet and 4 more to make 30. And for each one I wrote a poem. Mostly very bad poetry. When we were in high school we used to pass notes in class, but written in poetry, so the tradition continues.
Because I sent one every day, and she lives in Illinois, I had to have a way for her to attach them all together, so I made little tabs with snaps. Each one snaps to its neighbors. You will see the quilt all assembled at the end of this post.
Here are the quiltletts for your viewing enjoyment and the poems that go with them. They are all about 4 1/2" x 5 1/2".

So for Mary I decided to make little quilts and send one every day. I made one for each letter of the alphabet and 4 more to make 30. And for each one I wrote a poem. Mostly very bad poetry. When we were in high school we used to pass notes in class, but written in poetry, so the tradition continues.
Because I sent one every day, and she lives in Illinois, I had to have a way for her to attach them all together, so I made little tabs with snaps. Each one snaps to its neighbors. You will see the quilt all assembled at the end of this post.
Here are the quiltletts for your viewing enjoyment and the poems that go with them. They are all about 4 1/2" x 5 1/2".
I know an angel named Mary.
She’s like a godmother fairy.
She doesn’t play a harp or fly with wings,
But she sent me the most incredible things.
With a surprise arriving every week.
How could I be sad and have my eyes leak?
They put your feet in the stirrups
But it’s not like riding a horse.
Then they snip out a piece of your inside.
I suppose it could be worse.
They try to be gentle and cause no pain
But when it’s all over you’re sure you’ve been maimed!
“Relax”, he says, “this won’t hurt a bit.”
Ha, ha, he is funny – he is such a wit.
Let’s trade places and see how he likes this shit!
Cancer’s a word you don’t want to hear.
When the doctor says cancer it fills you with fear,
But it doesn’t kill friendship or love or hope
Or dreams or plans, and you can cope.
With good friends and family you won’t mope
Because you are no dope.
She’s like a godmother fairy.
She doesn’t play a harp or fly with wings,
But she sent me the most incredible things.
With a surprise arriving every week.
How could I be sad and have my eyes leak?

They put your feet in the stirrups
But it’s not like riding a horse.
Then they snip out a piece of your inside.
I suppose it could be worse.
They try to be gentle and cause no pain
But when it’s all over you’re sure you’ve been maimed!
“Relax”, he says, “this won’t hurt a bit.”
Ha, ha, he is funny – he is such a wit.
Let’s trade places and see how he likes this shit!

Cancer’s a word you don’t want to hear.
When the doctor says cancer it fills you with fear,
But it doesn’t kill friendship or love or hope
Or dreams or plans, and you can cope.
With good friends and family you won’t mope
Because you are no dope.

Doctors come in all sizes, shapes and sexes.
They each have a specialty and they all drive a Lexus.
General practitionologist
And many other ologists that I can’t name.
Wouldn’t that make a great trivia game?
Mary still has what it takes
Even if she has a few aches.
Elvis is there to give her hope
So she doesn’t sit and mope like a dope.
Mary believes that Elvis is alive
And doing tattoos and living in a dive.
Doctors cut a hole in her pelvis
But she can still shake it like Elvis.
Even if she has a few aches.
Elvis is there to give her hope
So she doesn’t sit and mope like a dope.
Mary believes that Elvis is alive
And doing tattoos and living in a dive.
Doctors cut a hole in her pelvis
But she can still shake it like Elvis.

Flamingos are pretty birds dressed in hot pink.
They would look elegant with pearls and a mink.
Some are real, some are whirligigs, some are yard art.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart.
Floyd is a special flamingo it’s true.
He’s been to Iraq, Rockton and Peoria too.
You’re a real special person if Floyd visits you!
Mary's family has a yard art flamingo named Floyd. He has lost his legs but he still gets around. Whoever has him decides who should get him next. No one except the person who has him knows where he is at any given moment and you never know when or where he will show up. He's been to Afghanistan, to a funeral and a wedding, and all over the United States visiting family members.
Here are the next 6 quilts. The first and last are bonus quilts so when they are assembled they will be a rectangle. 26 doesn't divide well. When we were in high school I was Mary's campaign manager when she ran for Homecoming Court. I made signs and plastered them all over the school and I guess it worked, because she was elected. But the football team chose someone else to be Queen, a decision they no doubt still regret.
“Why beef when you can have Lamm?”, I wrote,
Trying to get the seniors to get out and vote
For Mary Margaret for Homecoming Queen.
You’d have been the best teen queen they’d ever seen.
But Sheryl got the football team’s vote,
While you tried not to let it get her goat.
You served on the court as a Homecoming Princess
And never blamed your campaign manager for the mess.
Jean Carol, the manager, did all that she could.
But even sleeping with the whole team did no good.
(I didn't really sleep with the football team. This is an inside joke and would take too long to explain!)
Trying to get the seniors to get out and vote
For Mary Margaret for Homecoming Queen.
You’d have been the best teen queen they’d ever seen.
But Sheryl got the football team’s vote,
While you tried not to let it get her goat.
You served on the court as a Homecoming Princess
And never blamed your campaign manager for the mess.
Jean Carol, the manager, did all that she could.
But even sleeping with the whole team did no good.
(I didn't really sleep with the football team. This is an inside joke and would take too long to explain!)

First it was Beth’s kidney,
Then part of Jeanie’s boob,
Next Lucy’s Tom and now Mary, too.
Has anyone thought to check up on Sue?

Hospitals are dreary places
Full of strange things and strange faces.
Doctors and nurses and expensive machines
All beeping and clicking making you feel mean.
And everyone who’s in the hospital that day
Gets to send you a bill that you must pay.
You want to get out as soon as you can.
Rick must whisk you away in the van.

Illness is something that’s not any fun,
But with great medical care the battle can be won.
Just as important is your frame of mind.
You must stay cheerful even if it takes a little wine.
Good friends and family you need now the most.
We’re all rooting for you and giving a toast.
Soon you’ll conquer this, it won’t get you down.
For many more years, we’ll both be around.

If you know Mary, you know it’s all about her.
She doesn’t want to be outdone, that’s for sure.
When Beth lost her kidney, Mary was sad.
Cancer wasn’t something she wanted Beth to have.
Then Jeanie lost a lump and Mary was concerned.
She sent presents to Jeanie, and then she learned
That Tom had cancer – that was the last straw!
Everyone had cancer but her, it stuck in her craw.
So Mary went out and got cancer too.
Isn’t it amazing what some people will do?

“Keep it between the fence posts”, Uncle Fred said.
Don’t run off the road, go home safely to bed.
He might also mean you should walk the straight and narrow
To be a good person and to be a straight arrow.
You should treat others like you’d like to be
Uncle Fred was a wise man, you see.
Uncle Fred is gone now, I’m sad to say,
But we should remember his wisdom every day.

Since kindergarten we’ve been friends
And I know our friendship will never end.
We’ve been there for each other thru joy and sorrow
And we will still be there for each other tomorrow.
I can’t imagine life without you.
I’d have to go and live in the zoo
And Lucy, Beth and Sue would live there too.

Mary had a little lamb, the doctor was surprised.
But she named him Tom, he was the apple of her eye.
Then Mary had another lamb,
the doctor didn’t know what to do.
She named this lamb Jayson and she loved him, too.
A third lamb arrived, the doctor threw up his hands.
This was Amanda, the fairest in the land.
Tom and Jayson have their own lambs now,
It’s a good thing Mary didn’t have a cow!

In high school you were on homecoming court
and played in the band,
Sang in the chorus, acted in plays, the best in the land.
We were together when Kennedy died.
You’re a good friend who never would lie.
You were my friend when I dated all of West High,
And still you didn’t hang me out to dry.
You’ve been a good friend in all kinds of weather.
You are the glue that holds us together!
(Okay, I didn't date all of West High either. Same inside joke.)

Be nice to that woman because she is your nurse.
If you don’t treat her right she can make you feel worse.
So smile and be pleasant, it isn’t that hard.
If she likes you a lot she might bring you a card,
Or rub your back, hold your hand, or tell you a tale,
And before you know it you’ll be hearty and hale.

Friends come in all sizes, shapes and ages.
They all help to fill many of life’s pages.
Very special friends are the old ones.
My old friends sure know how to have fun.
They know where I come from and where I have been.
They might even know a few of my sins!
I love my new friends, to my life they add zest,
But I still think that maybe old friends are the best!

Pap tests are no fun.
You want to turn around and run,
Or become a nun, or get a gun.
The doctor looks like Attila the Hun.
But pretty soon it’s done
With good results, so you have won.
Now go out in the sun and eat a bun.

Mary Margaret Patricia is the Queen.
She’s the prettiest woman you’ve ever seen.
With her tasteful makeup applied just right
And wearing her tiara, she’s quite a sight!
When she enters a room, everyone knows
It’s all about Mary, and boy does it show!
Rick is a saint, he is like no other.
He is there to hover and help you recover.
He treats you better than your mother.
A lesser person wouldn’t bother
But Rick is a saint, better than any other.
It’s a good thing you picked him to be your lover.
He is there to hover and help you recover.
He treats you better than your mother.
A lesser person wouldn’t bother
But Rick is a saint, better than any other.
It’s a good thing you picked him to be your lover.

Surgery is not fun to do.
You don’t want someone cutting holes in you.
But when you have cancer you find
That about surgery you change your mind.
“Get it out quick! Don’t waste any time!
Get it out now! Give me some wine!”
You want them to remove it right now.
Do it right now, you don’t care how!

A tiara is a special thing that is worn
By a bride, a princess or a queen to adorn
Her head, and make her look regal in the morn.
Mary Margaret gave a magic tiara to Dorothy
Who gave it to me.
Now I must find someone else worthy to be
Crowned with this tiara; I must chose.
I’ll have to choose carefully and not snooze.
Before Mary knew about these little quilts, she told me she wanted me to make a uterus quilt since I had a breast cancer quilt. The doctor told her that before the surgery they were going to bathe her uterus (I have no idea why) so she wanted her quilt to have a uterus being bathed in blue liquid. Mary should be careful what she wishes for! This is my personal favorite!

At 60 the uterus is a useless thing.
It only causes trouble, so we sing
To the doctor, to tell him to please take it out.
It’s just a big problem, “Remove it!”, we shout!
We don’t want it inside any more, there’s no doubt.
If you don’t get it out right now we will pout.

St. Mary’s Glue, I’ve been told,
Is worth its entire weight in gold.
It can glue most anything,
Even a vase from dynasty Ming.
It can glue paper, cloth and leather.
It’s the glue that holds The Girlfriends together.

Every August I get in my car and drive north
And sometimes you come to Memphis of course.
The rest of the time you cruise to different ports:
Panama, Mexico, Alaska are some of the spots.
Meanwhile I’m in Argentina, Spain or Peru
Finding interesting things to see and do.
Someday we must take a trip together.
Our husbands can get to know each other better.
They have at least one thing in common,
they think we are crazy.
But they don’t understand, they’re a little hazy.
We’ll talk and talk and talk some more.
They won’t get a word in edgewise
and they won’t be bored!

What would Mary do? We don’t always know,
But we look to her for guidance, for her to show
Us the way. WWMD, that’s what we ask
But we’re really not sure, so we bask
In the knowledge that Mary will steer us right
So we’ll do the right thing and sleep well at night.
If we follow her lead, we won’t be sinners,
Instead we will all be winners!

The Girlfriends are different as can be,
Lucy’s the saint and the slut would be me.
Beth’s always laughing and the sweet one is Sue
And Bitch is the label we reserved for you.
You really are not (not most of the time)
Except when Mr. Tall Man gives us a sign.
(It's that private joke again!)

Superman had x-ray vision to see through stuff.
Could he see through your clothes to see you in the buff?
Doctors with xray vision could come in handy.
Of course some may think that’s a little bit randy.
But what if they could just look inside and see what is wrong.
Your diagnosis wouldn’t cost much or take so long.
For now we are stuck with xray machines,
In order for our insides to be seen.

Yesterday we were young
And thought we would live forever.
Today we are older and we know better.
But we’re not done yet, we’re not at the end.
We still will have many more Girlfriend weekends.
So don’t look back – it’s not where you’ve been
But where you’re going.
It’s not the destination
But the journey that’s important.
You think zebras have nothing
To do with your cancer
But for that I have an answer.
You feel like an animal in a zoo.
All the doctors and nurses looking at you.
Sometimes who they are, you haven’t a clue.
And I couldn't think of another “z” word
So what was I to do?
I’m all out of rhymes so this must be the end,
But you are good as new now. Love, Your Friend.
To do with your cancer
But for that I have an answer.
You feel like an animal in a zoo.
All the doctors and nurses looking at you.
Sometimes who they are, you haven’t a clue.
And I couldn't think of another “z” word
So what was I to do?
I’m all out of rhymes so this must be the end,
But you are good as new now. Love, Your Friend.

Jeanie, Those are great quilts! I'm sure you lifted Mary's spirits.
Your quilts are great and so unique. Mary sent me your "quilts for Mary" Juneb
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