Friday, November 18, 2011

Connect the Dots Design

At our quilt retreat I took a class from Nysha.  The triangle I started with is this:

I only shaded the pieces so you could see the different sections. On the quilts I changed the values around.

So here are some of the designs I came up with using that one triangle:

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

More flood photos

From the Arkansas side looking toward the I-40 bridge and downtown Memphis.

An unofficial river gauge - according to the Corps of Engineers we crested at 47.8'

Some fool out there in a kayak. The current is so strong that the river is very dangerous now. Actually it's always dangerous, but even moreso now.

More fools

 Two more from the Arkansas side

Harbor Town homes - those are 3 story homes, the bottom floor is all underwater.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The river crested at 47.8 feet on Tuesday morning. The normal level for the river here for May is 19.5 feet. So we are nearly 30' over normal.  I think about 34' is flood stage here. So far the levees are holding, most of the damaging flooding is on the tributaries - the Wolf River, the Loosahatchie River, and Nonconnah that are backing up because they can't drain into the Mississippi.

Shelby Farms 4/28 near my house
I40 Bridge looking toward Arkansas

I55 north toward Missouri

Mud Island Amphitheater

 Beale and Riverside Drive
 Tom Lee Park where the BBQ contest was supposed to be this weekend
 The structure on the left is where the Memphis Belle used to be. Mud Island is now 3 islands.
 Jefferson Davis Park next to the Welcome center looking toward the end of Mud Island
 One of the casinos
 Deer stranded on an island
A deer who found refuge on a roof of a house. Hopefully he got out safely, though they are estimating that 60% of the deer are drowned.  Another danger - spiders and snakes are coming to dry land and getting to places where they usually are not so that becomes another danger.

Tom Lee statue, before and after. There was a riverboat that capsized way back when and Tom Lee was a black man who took his little row boat and rescued a whole bunch of people who would otherwise have drowned.

 The south end of Mud Island
 Harbor town
 Tom Lee Park

 Mud Island - that is where the "gulf of Mexico" is on the scale model of the river

 Mud Island

 Mud Island before and after
 Beale and Riverside (or Riverunder) drive

Harbor Town park
 Beale & Riverside Drive

 Dewitt Spain airport hangers
 Satellite after the flood
 Satellite before the flood

Tom Lee Park taken by me sort of in front of Cybil Sheppards house