Last weekend we had our annual quilt retreat where we spend two days in lodges in the woods, eating, sewing, taking classes, eating, walking in the woods, eating... you get the idea. I taught a class - Happy Villages - where you cut up stair step pieces of fabric, arrange them on some batting, and then add roofs, doors and windows. It's like kindergarten and lots of fun. No sewing, no worry about cutting off points, no worry about perfect quarter inch seams. I had 11 students, and they created 11 very different villages.

Here are some of the
villages at show and tell
on Sunday morning.

Last summer I tried to teach my Wisconsin Girlfriends this same technique. They were not very well-behaved students as you can see at the right. They actually finally settled down and made some neat villages, but since they don't quilt, I ended up quilting all of them for them. And they had so much fun they're making more! My Uncommon Thread Quilt Guild students were much better behaved!
Our guest teacher was Janet Jones Worley, who was just a delightful person and her Saturday night lecture was hysterical!
Here are most of the people who made challenge blocks.